
New work now up on website www.robinclare.com

Work from my latest series Jamaica Project is now up on my website www.robinclare.com
Along with my artist statement, which has taken me way longer than expected to write but it's finally done and all up and ready for reading and viewing.

As always there have been some interesting by products of thought that pop up when undertaking a series. The Jamaica Project series is a fairly tongue and cheek look at the Jamaican party scene. But it is also very much taken from a Jamaican point of view, which is very different than that of more equal societies. With images of scantly clad women it is intended as a reflection of a culture that objectifies the female body, but this can't help becoming a little bit of a feminist commentary as being a female artist the mere act of painting the female form in sexualised posture starts to create an interesting dynamic all of its own. This line of thinking can also apply to the text only images. Obviously as a female artist with first world westernised views I will have approached the project with certain preconceptions and points of view that have and will determine my selection of phrases and imagery both subconsciously and consciously.

I have also at times felt that without a proper understanding of Jamaican culture the project might come across as mocking the society. But this is certainly not the case. I do hope that if the images do appeal they are just a starting point to a greater exploration of Jamaican culture. And I know that anyone with a proper understanding of Jamaican culture will know exactly where I'm coming from.

Sexy Foam Party, Acrylic on Paper, 100cm x 70cm