
Appliances on Patterns @ Blackwattle Cafe in Glebe

The Appliance on Pattern paintings are getting a second outing in Sydney and will be at the Blackwattle Cafe until mid February 2012.

The Blackwattle cafe, housed in a gorgeously restored heritage building, Bellevue House, is sat overlooking Blackwattle Bay with a wonderful view of the Anzac Bridge and Sydney's CBD. With a chilled out atmosphere created for whiling away long summer evenings, excellent food and addictive coffee, supplied by local roasters, and art what more could you ask for..?

Blackwattle Cafe
55 Leichhardt Street
Gebe  NSW 2037

Open - Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Sundays 8am - 4pm
            Thursdays - Fridays 8am - 8pm
Closed - 25th - 27th Dec & 1st -2nd Jan
